Starting out from the fulfilment of the functional criteria, it was attempted to create a language of forms for the translation of the individual buildings into plastic and structural terms which would at the same time represent the innovative character of the company.
The rounded roof shell of the central storage unit allows the association of such concepts as 'caterpillar, cap, curl, wool, soft, round, dynamic' etc. The glazing of the roof segments is mediated by a thin air-supported structure. The exterior walls were to be clad with glassed steel in a diagonal grid pattern.
The production shop, situated between the central storage unit and the office building, has shed roofs. The office building is sited in front of the production shop and, as a two-storeyed structure with a large tinted continously-glazed façade, constitutes a striking element on the approach to the factory. The pond in front of the factory reflects the building and vice versa.
The office block, the connecting corridor and the personnel wing delimit and define the area in front of the factory in interplay with the pond. A large company logo is installed on an island in the pond.