Taking into account the strict functional criteria for a fire station, in terms of traffic, internal organization or safety precautions, the following points were considered as important town planning and architectural design factors, bearing the topographic situation on the bank of the Glan brook in mind:
- Location of a unified building as a link between the existing large commercial premises and the adjoining housing.
- Development of a long building section as a tangent to the brook, with an accentuated three-storeyed cornice border determined by the adjoining building. A fourth storey constructed as an attic supports this intention, accentuates the facade facing the water and clearly emphasizes the main entrance by means of the sun deck which projects a long way out at the southern end.
- Design of the gymnasium as a transitional element to the adjoining building in the south and directly related to the edge of the brook bank.
- Clear formulation of a „fire brigade courtyard“ dominated by the drill tower.
- Integration of technically essential parts of the building as plastically effective elements of the whole building (solar cells, hose tower with drill balconys, filling station,...)
- Creation of interior spatial qualities, above all in the areas of the main access routes, for example in the entrance hall, and also in the two-storeyed corridor to the living quarters.